Earning a degree while you're working isn't as difficult as you may think.The time, distance and financial constraints of higher education have all been eradicated thanks to the arrival of distance learning via telecommunications and online technology. If you're already in the workforce or a work-at-home parent, and would like to earn a degree, then perhaps you may explore the opportunity for a degree via internet.Therefore, it may require some technological know-how, computer equipment, and ofcourse, a lot of self-discipline.As compared to the past (traditional) era, it is definitely easier and more effective now.
Online degree programs are suitable for those who could not attend regular classes. So how do online degree program work? Well all that is mainly required is a computer with internet access.
Upon enrollment in an online college or university, you will be provided with access (user id and password) to their online education portal through which you would be able to access online study material, courses, lectures as well as interactive activities such as chat rooms, forums etc to connect with your virtual class fellows. You will be given projects with deadlines, and you can work on them anytime of the day, whenever you are free and from wherever you are most comfortable.
As for under-graduate university/college programs, there could be examinations (designated exam venues) during certain semesters depending on the requirement.
Thesis on project work for post-graduate masters and doctorate program would be handed via e-mail. A word of caution though, study materials or course work are abundant via the internet, the act of copying, duplicating (called piagarism) is against the regulations.