Accredited Online Degree
Graduate degrees confer even higher earnings:
• A Master’s degree-holder earns $2.7 million over a lifetime.
• A Doctoral degree-holder earns $3.3 million over a lifetime.
• A Professional degree-holder earns $3.6 million over a lifetime.
On average:
• A high school dropout can expect to earn $973,000 over a lifetime.
• Someone with a high school diploma can expect to earn $1.3 million over a lifetime.
• A worker with some college but no degree earns $1.5 million over a lifetime.
• An Associate’s degree-holder earns $1.7 million over a lifetime.
• A worker with a Bachelor’s degree will earn $2.3 million over a lifetime.
People generally waste lots of time basically doing nothing while getting trapped in traffic jams. If you add up the countless hours stuck in traffic jams, people could potentially have learned enough to get a degree.